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The Campus Activities Board strives and focuses on bringing entertainment to campus for the students that we serve. Over the course of the year we will have many events ranging from parties, movie nights, concerts, and much more.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fashion Show After Party

This Saturday's fashion show is sure to bring a variety of fun filled fashion lines. The African Student Association and the Black Student Union come together this year to promote several causes such as AIDS, diabetes, autism, and many other causes. After being thoroughly entertained and educated, CAB will be hosting an after party in the Activities Room. THAT'S RIGHT! WE'RE HAVING AN AFTER PARTY! This is the first time that an after party has been held for the fashion show and we are sure that everyone will be there in their best attire.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Russell Dickerson Music Concert

 Homecoming was a blast but we're still on a roll to TAKE BACK FUN! This week CAB will be hosting a free country music concert for Russell Dickerson. It will take place in Phelps-Stokes at 7 PM on Friday, November 16th.

This Friday's concert is sure to be rocking!  Dickerson is the product of a musical family background, which explains his natural ability to entertain.  Dickerson has performed live at numerous college venues across the country. He has been continuously praised by fans and new listeners alike for his rich vocal quality and unique style. He first discovered his passion for country music at the tender age of ten, when his family moved to Nashville, a.k.a. “Music City”.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Homecoming 2012

HOMECOMING SEASON IS OFFICIALLY HERE! WOO HOO! With that being said CAB is ready to TAKE BACK FUN with Spirit Week days as well as our annual Homecoming Party. Check out the day's below for the Spirit Week days:

Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Twin Day
Wednesday - Superhero Day
Thursday - International Day
Friday - Nerd Day
Saturday - Blue Crew Day

Our theme for this year's party will be "Diamonds in the Moonlight". We're not enforcing a strict dress code but come dressed to impressed and have some fun. More importantly, please note that NO COATS OR BOOK BAGS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE PARTY. Your campus activities board has graciously provided you with a coat rack so you don't get all hot and sweaty in the party.