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The Campus Activities Board strives and focuses on bringing entertainment to campus for the students that we serve. Over the course of the year we will have many events ranging from parties, movie nights, concerts, and much more.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fashion Show After Party

This Saturday's fashion show is sure to bring a variety of fun filled fashion lines. The African Student Association and the Black Student Union come together this year to promote several causes such as AIDS, diabetes, autism, and many other causes. After being thoroughly entertained and educated, CAB will be hosting an after party in the Activities Room. THAT'S RIGHT! WE'RE HAVING AN AFTER PARTY! This is the first time that an after party has been held for the fashion show and we are sure that everyone will be there in their best attire.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Russell Dickerson Music Concert

 Homecoming was a blast but we're still on a roll to TAKE BACK FUN! This week CAB will be hosting a free country music concert for Russell Dickerson. It will take place in Phelps-Stokes at 7 PM on Friday, November 16th.

This Friday's concert is sure to be rocking!  Dickerson is the product of a musical family background, which explains his natural ability to entertain.  Dickerson has performed live at numerous college venues across the country. He has been continuously praised by fans and new listeners alike for his rich vocal quality and unique style. He first discovered his passion for country music at the tender age of ten, when his family moved to Nashville, a.k.a. “Music City”.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Homecoming 2012

HOMECOMING SEASON IS OFFICIALLY HERE! WOO HOO! With that being said CAB is ready to TAKE BACK FUN with Spirit Week days as well as our annual Homecoming Party. Check out the day's below for the Spirit Week days:

Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Twin Day
Wednesday - Superhero Day
Thursday - International Day
Friday - Nerd Day
Saturday - Blue Crew Day

Our theme for this year's party will be "Diamonds in the Moonlight". We're not enforcing a strict dress code but come dressed to impressed and have some fun. More importantly, please note that NO COATS OR BOOK BAGS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE PARTY. Your campus activities board has graciously provided you with a coat rack so you don't get all hot and sweaty in the party.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Cart Show Competition

Could your student organization use some extra cash? Do you think you're creative? Do you want to help CAB take back fun? Then the cart show competition might be for you! This year in an effort to help build community during Homecoming, CAB is going to have a cart competition. No, not a race cart with wheels and gas (that's too dangerous for us!). However, we are going to use grocery carts instead. Student organizations will be responsible for decorating their grocery cart to reflect their org's personal style.                                               

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Magician Daniel Martin

Looking for something to do to prepare for Mountain Day? Come out to Phelps-Stokes at 7 PM to see magician Daniel Martin. Through crowd interaction and participation, Martin’s act includes tricks such as stopping fired paintballs in mid-air and pushing glass bottles through audience members’ stomachs. These kinds of tricks have led him to being  described by his peers as one of the most creative acts performing today. Martin's original ideas have also been featured on CBS, NBC, VH1, and even ESPN. This is something you don't want to miss out on! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Non-Trads Night Out!

Saturday, October 13th, CAB will be taking non-traditional students out for the night. Students will have the opportunity to go bowling and eat pizza for FREE! We understand that some non-traditional students have children, so CAB will also have childcare provided for this event.  Rides will also be provided for this event with vans leaving from Alumni Circle (in front of the Alumni building) at 4:30 PM. If you are looking for a fun time next weekend and are a non-traditional student, this is the event for you! We can't wait to hang out with you. LET'S TAKE BACK FUN!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jonny Zavant and Flashback Friday

 Have you found yourself bored or just want to find a way to have some fun on campus this week? Well CAB's has a few ideas for you. This week we have two major events taking place. The first one is taking place on Thursday at 7 PM in the Commons. Mentalist Jonny Zavant will be performing mind tricks to entertain the crowd. If you are ready to be amazed this is an event that you will not want to miss!

The next day, Flashback Friday will be taking place in the Activities Room. We will take a blast to the past with films Flubber and Space Jam. To make the night even more enjoyable, CAB will be providing you pizza and popcorn as refreshments. Please be sure to bring your own blanket or chair for extra comfort. You can even come in your pajamas if you want! We can't wait to take back fun with you this week!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Preston Pugmire Concert

This Saturday gear up for an amazing time with musician Preston Pugmire! Last Fall semester, Preston came to campus and put on an amazing show and has been invited back for yet another interactive, creative concert. During the concert, Preston lets students in on one of his secrets: he makes his own beats! In addition to this, he also made the concert intimate, providing audience members with background stories on certain songs. Of course, the campus activities board made the concert even more fun. Check inside to see how!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


What are you doing this Friday? Coming to the CAB party of course! The theme of our party this Friday will be VIP: Party Like Me. This is the perfect time to dress up as your favorite celeb! We know you secretly rock out to your favorite star in your room when no one's looking. Show us what you've got this Friday. Plus, if you come dressed as a celebrity, you could possibly win a free VIP gift bag. Come on out to the Corner Pocket at 10 pm and see what other celebrities will be in the building!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Comedian Paul Varghese this Friday!

 The first week of school has come and went and we're sure that reality is beginning to soak've got a lot of work to do. Don't find yourself overwhelmed though. This Friday, the Campus Activities Board has a fun event underway. Comedian Paul Varghese will be performing in the Activities Room in Alumni Basement at 8 PM. This guy has credentials too! He's performed on Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central, HBO Comedy Festival and a host of other places.  If that's not enough look at this hilarious video.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thick as Thieves Concert this Saturday!

The fun doesn't stop Friday! Thick as Thieves will be in the building Saturday night. Come check out this amazing band as they perform a live, intimate set in Phelps-Stokes at 7 pm. Another reason you may want to check this event out is for the ultimate book bags that we are giving out. In the book bags you will find freebies from Papaleno's, the College Store, the Student Government Association, and many more organizations. Check out some of their music!

Back-to-School Bash this Friday!

Classes are back in session today. We don't want to come down from the high of the summer either so we're having a Back-to-School Bash this Friday to give us one more taste of Summer. Come on out to Fairchild Lawn around 4:30 to have dinner, hear great music, play on the inflatables, and get free snowcones! This is guaranteed to be a good time for all members of the family as well as our new freshmen and continuing students.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Apply for CAB today!

The beginning of the year is upon us yet again! With that being said, the Campus Activities Board (CAB) is accepting applications. Being a part of CAB offers members the opportunity to TAKE BACK FUN in numerous ways with fun events. In addition to this, members will take their leadership skills to the next level through event planning, budget management, and creativity. If this sounds like an organization that you would like to be a part of, apply today!