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The Campus Activities Board strives and focuses on bringing entertainment to campus for the students that we serve. Over the course of the year we will have many events ranging from parties, movie nights, concerts, and much more.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Non-Trads Night Out!

Saturday, October 13th, CAB will be taking non-traditional students out for the night. Students will have the opportunity to go bowling and eat pizza for FREE! We understand that some non-traditional students have children, so CAB will also have childcare provided for this event.  Rides will also be provided for this event with vans leaving from Alumni Circle (in front of the Alumni building) at 4:30 PM. If you are looking for a fun time next weekend and are a non-traditional student, this is the event for you! We can't wait to hang out with you. LET'S TAKE BACK FUN!


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