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The Campus Activities Board strives and focuses on bringing entertainment to campus for the students that we serve. Over the course of the year we will have many events ranging from parties, movie nights, concerts, and much more.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Text Messaging System

As students who serve students, we understand that the load of emails that we all receive can be overbearing. So what better way to stay in touch with each other than to enroll in CAB's new text messaging system? By signing up, you can keep up with new events on campus as well as updates and/or changes that may happen pertaining to an upcoming event.

Best of all, if you enroll now, YOU WILL BE ENTERED FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A PRIZE! So how do you sign up?

  • Sign up at the next CAB event OR
  • Email CAB your phone number to
Simple right? So what are you waiting for? Email us now! 


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